Employee Recognition: Page 6

Employee Experience & Recruiting

The Hidden Benefits of Happy Co-Workers (Infographic)

A new study indicates that positive connections among employees spur engagement.

Growing a Business

The Way to Employees' Hearts May Well Be Through Their Stomachs

Companies are increasingly focusing on the kitchens as an office gathering places and providing meals or snacks to reward their staffs.


6 Things Effective Leaders Should Do to Inspire Their Teams

Here's how managers can create a motivating office environment, all day, every day.

Social Media

3 Ways to Use Social Media to Align Your Team

Along with promoting your brand to the outside world, utilize platforms to keep employees apprised of developments and provide public recognition.


How to Create a Fun, Positive Company Culture in 7 Easy Steps

The leader's sincere interest in employees is the cornerstone of an uplifting company culture.


3 Online Tools for Supercharging a Company's Culture

Easy-to-use software or online assessments can do some heavy lifting for managers aiming to promote the esprit de corps.

Growing a Business

Why Midyear Is a Marvelous Time for a Meaningful Review

No great coach would forgo the opportunity for a motivating half-time huddle. Review employees' progress and challenge and inspire them as well as celebrate some.

Employee Experience & Recruiting

What's More Important to Give Employees: A Gift Card or a Pat on the Back?

For employee success to ensue, businesses need to motivate and encourage their team. But how should the go about it: recognition or compensation?

Growing a Business

Drive a Feedback Loop: Employees Will Benefit, So Will Your Company

Recognition of your staffers will help them thrive and also stimulate the growth of your firm.


Work on Your Empathy and Other Must-Read Business Tips

A look at why not to be like the Wolf of Wall Street, why you should make your workplace more like a video game and more advice for business owners.


3 Ways to Stop the Fighting and Start Focusing on What Matters

Business owners are naturally fighters. But holidays and vacations are a time to focus on how to build relationships.

Growing a Business

How to Give Thanks to Your Team, Customers and Vendors This Thanksgiving

One day off for holiday shopping isn't enough. Here's how to show key members of your team and other stakeholders that you care.

Business News

Small-Business Owners Cautious of Going Overboard on Holiday Gifts, Bonuses

Expecting weaker-than-usual holiday sales, a new survey says some owners are cutting back on end-of-year bonuses and parties.

Growing a Business

18 Easy Ways to Say 'Thanks'

In an ideal world, your staff should feel appreciated 365 days a year. In the real world, gratitude sometimes gets forgotten. Here are 18 suggestions for remedying that.