employee satisfaction

Growing a Business

I Started Over 300 Companies. Here Are 4 Things I Learned About Scaling a Business.

It takes a delicate balance of skill, hard work and instinct to grow a successful business. This serial entrepreneur loves the unique challenge; here are the key lessons she's learned along the way.

Business Culture

Thinking of Laying Off Staff? Here's Why Job Cuts Might Be Bad For Your Business

Layoffs are a short-sighted approach that reduces workers to data points and budget line items while ignoring the value of retaining employees over the long term, even when economic times are tough.


3 Ways Business Leaders Can Balance Company Needs and Employee Satisfaction

Why it's critical to find a balance between organizational needs and employee satisfaction.


Unhappy Customers and Employees Can Wreak Havoc on Your Business. Here's How to Make Both Happy.

The combined expense of dissatisfied workers and customers can be detrimental to your business if not approached strategically.


4 Things to Discuss in Your Next Employee One-on-One

Helpful reminders for encouraging successful employee meetings that can help you enhance the culture of your workspace.


7 Simple Ways to Thank Your Employees This Holiday Season

Is your company celebrating the holidays this year? If so, you'll want to make sure that you're thanking your employees for all of their hard work. Here are seven ways to make sure that your employees feel appreciated.


Motivosity Helps Businesses Listen to Employees and Create a Better Workplace

Try the platform helping companies keep its best workers through gratitude.

Thought Leaders

Taking These Actions Will Stop Distraction

Distractions are everywhere in our lives. Learn how to fight distractions by taking these effective actions.


Are Your Employees Happy With the Support You Provide?

You won't know unless you ask them!


3 Ways Google Creates a High-Performance Culture

It's not about the nap pods.


How Small-Business Owners Can Build a Strong Corporate Culture

A real company culture is woven into the fabric of your everyday decisions.

News and Trends

Are Employees In India Satisfied?

96 per cent of senior executives in India reported that employee experience had been discussed at senior management level, reveals a Economist Intelligence Unit report

Growth Strategies

Five Tactics Followed by Global Companies for Business Growth

There are many tactics and practices that businesses can undertake to bring growth.


Stop Trying To Make Your Employees Happier

It's personal resilience that managers need to develop in their teams to get the sort of engagement they seek.

Employee Experience & Recruiting

Time-Saving Tips and Tech to Keep Employees Happy

How can the right technology help employees stick around?