Dr. Christina Rahm

Entrepreneur Leadership Network® Contributor


Dr. Christina Rahm, MS, PhD, EdD, is a globally recognized entrepreneur and scientific leader in health and wellness. With diverse expertise, she breaks down barriers to optimal health, presenting worldwide on nutraceuticals, wellness and environmental solutions.

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Growing a Business

How Mastering These 4 Soft Skills Has Propelled My Business to Success

While education and industry experience are vital, the most essential CEO leadership skills are of the interpersonal variety.


Inicié más de 300 empresas. Estas son las 4 cosas que aprendí sobre cómo hacer crecer un negocio

Se necesita un delicado equilibrio de habilidad, trabajo duro e instinto para hacer crecer un negocio exitoso. A esta emprendedora en serie le encantan los desafíos únicos; aquí están las lecciones clave que ella ha aprendido en el camino.

Growing a Business

I Started Over 300 Companies. Here Are 4 Things I Learned About Scaling a Business.

It takes a delicate balance of skill, hard work and instinct to grow a successful business. This serial entrepreneur loves the unique challenge; here are the key lessons she's learned along the way.

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