Google Glass: Page 7


6 Ways Google Glass Can Supercharge Your Workflow

From eliminating web search to streamlining email, how Google's computerized glasses can improve your productivity.


Beyond Smartphones: Mobile Innovation That Could Change the Way You Do Business

A look at four types of devices that are pushing the boundaries of mobile capabilities.


My First 48 Hours Wearing Google Glass

Here are some initial impressions of Google's much-anticipated computerized glasses.

Social Media

Google Glass Competitor? Startup Creates Its Own Computerized Headset

A new device called Telepathy One focuses on real-time video broadcasting.


From Battery to Camera to Wi-Fi: Tech Specs Released for Google Glass

The much-anticipated computerized glasses will come with a 5-megapixel camera, 16 GB of storage, and more.

Business Ideas

VC Heavyweights to Fund Tech Startups Creating Google Glass Apps

New group called the Glass Collective calls Google's wearable computer "the future" of technology.

Business News

A Look at 'Google Glass' and What the Computerized Glasses Can Do

Google releases details on its forthcoming 'augmented reality' head-mounted display.