Google: Page 10

Employee Experience & Recruiting

What Google Employees Can Teach Us About Memes and Employee Burnout

From boosting morale to detecting burnout, companies are discovering the surprising benefits of incorporating memes into internal communications.


Keith Rabois asegura que durante años Google y Meta contrataron a personal para "no hacer nada"

El CEO de OpenStore se refirió a la ola de despidos masivos en las empresas tecnológicas y sentenció que muchas contrataciones se hicieron más por vanidad que por necesidad.

Social Media

Will ChatGPT Become Another Race to the Bottom in Marketing?

ChatGPT may be entering into a lasting category of functionality that marks its creation as a watershed moment.

Data & Recovery

What Business Leaders Can Learn From ChatGPT's Revolutionary First Few Months

ChatGPT took us all by storm, and it's here to stay. Let's learn from its exponential growth.

Business News

A Popular Internet Browser Might Be Draining Your Battery — Here's How to Fix It

The option will be available for all users this week.

Business News

ChatGPT vs. Bard: A Modern Day David and Goliath Story. Who Will Win?

The nimble start-up, OpenAI, has taken on tech behemoth Google in a fight for the spot as AI's top dog.


7 Steps to Setting Up Google Analytics For Your Business

In today's day and age, tracking data with Google Analytics is an absolute must. Make sure you sync up this year to avoid getting left behind by your competition.

Business News

Google Employees Have to Fix Bard's Bad Responses After 'Botched' Rollout Last Week

They have to refer to an essential list of dos and don'ts.


Ejecutivo de Google advierte sobre las "alucinaciones" del chatbot de inteligencia artificial. ¿Y eso qué significa?

Prabhakar Raghavan advierte que la inteligencia generativa como ChatGPT puede ser convincente, pero incorrecta.

Data & Recovery

Google's Bard Already Made A Fact Error — In Its Wake, the Company's Value Dropped By $100 Billion

ChatGPT and similar technologies are rife with issues from biases to factual errors, according to reports.


Bard, la herramienta de inteligencia artificial de Google se equivoca y provoca caída en las acciones de la compañía

Una de las respuestas dadas por el servicio de inteligencia artificial conversacional está equivocada y los usuarios no tardaron en reaccionar.


Amazon, Apple y Google se comprometen a enviar ayuda a Turquía tras el terremoto

Además, el CEO de la compañía de yogur Chobani dijo que donará $1 millón de dólares a la Turkish Philanthropy Funds.

Business News

Tech Giants Amazon, Apple, and Google Are Pledging to Help with Disaster Relief in Turkey After Earthquake

Plus, the CEO of yogurt company Chobani said he was donating $1 million to Turkish Philanthropy Funds.


Google anuncia la búsqueda simultánea utilizando imágenes, texto y voz

El motor de búsqueda comienza a incorporar tecnología de inteligencia artificial para que busquemos de manera más intuitiva.