

How to Tell You're About to Get Fired — Plus 4 'Typical' Reasons for It, From a Career Expert

Emily Levine, executive vice president of recruitment and advisory firm Career Group Companies, breaks down what you need to know.

Business News

Tesla Now Has Nearly 800 New Jobs Open — Up From Only 3 Roles in May

The job openings could indicate where Elon Musk wants to steer Tesla next.


Layoffs Have Dominated Headlines For the Last Few Years — and Great People Are Being Let Go. Here's How to Snatch Them Up Before Someone Else Does.

As leaders of growing companies, success depends on our ability to acquire and keep the very best talent. With the right strategy, you might hire a game-changer.

Business Culture

Thinking of Laying Off Staff? Here's Why Job Cuts Might Be Bad For Your Business

Layoffs are a short-sighted approach that reduces workers to data points and budget line items while ignoring the value of retaining employees over the long term, even when economic times are tough.

Business News

'Everyone Is in Complete Shock': A 500-Person Tesla Team Found Out 'in the Middle of the Night' Their Charger Division Was Laid Off

Other car companies that use the technology, such as General Motors and Ford, also weren't expecting the news, according to reports.

Business News

Some Tesla Factory Workers Realized They Were Laid Off When Security Scanned Their Badges and Sent Them Back on Shuttles, Sources Say

On Monday morning, the officials picked out the workers who'd been laid off and sent them back in separate vans, the two workers said.

Business News

Elon Musk Informs Tesla Staff That Layoffs Will Affect at Least 14,000 Employees — Read the Leaked Email

The layoffs impact more than 10% of Tesla's 140,473-person workforce.

Business News

I Was Poached and Then Laid Off 60 Days Later. I Was Embarrassed to Talk About It, but Doing So Helped Me Get My Next Job.

Posting on LinkedIn about being let go helped lead to new connections and, ultimately, a new job.


I Turned My Layoff into a Learning Lesson and Became My Own CEO — Here Are the Lessons I Learned Along the Way

Your employees are the foundation of your success — let's strive to create a business landscape where hiring for success and acts of compassion become the norm.

Business News

Unilever Is Leaving the Ice Cream Aisle, Separating From Ben & Jerry's, Magnum: 'Do Fewer Things Better, and With Greater Impact'

The move may include laying off around 7,500 people, according to a new report.

Side Hustle

Getting Laid Off Allowed Him to Focus on His Sentimental Side Hustle. Now He's on Track to Earn Over $700,000 in 2024.

Alaa El Ghatit wasn't fulfilled at his day job. So he started LifeOnRecord to help people record memories and well wishes.

Business News

This Job Hack to Escape Layoffs Is Gaining Popularity — But It's Divisive: 'It Altered My Brain Chemistry'

U.S. workers, especially younger generations, are considering government jobs for more security.