
Employee Experience & Recruiting

Follow These 5 Strategies if You Want a Thriving Mentorship Program

How your mentorship program can become a powerful force for growing your team and company image.

Growing a Business

Why We Need to Harness the Power of Community to Overcome Entrepreneurship Challenges

When founders flounder, the best way forward is often to seek support from a community of like-minded people — and in the modern age of global commerce, this has become a global issue.


Reverse Mentoring — How to Unleash Innovation By Learning From Junior Team Members

This article explores the power of reverse mentoring, highlighting how engaging younger employees in mentorship roles can drive innovation and transform your business.


Be a Coach, Not a Referee — How to be a Good Mentor and Manager from a Coaching Perspective

Good mentors are invested in improving the people who rely on them for guidance.


5 Ways Solopreneurs Can Scale Their Business Through Collaboration

Our culture loves to perpetuate the myth that entrepreneurs must go it alone. But for many, the path to success is found in collaboration.


Everyone Talks About Mentors. But What About Sponsors? Here's How They Differ — and Why You Need Both

Sponsorship and mentorship may sound the same, but they have different benefits and should not be carried out in isolation. Within a business, the only truly effective way to implement these processes is to see them as two parts of a cycle that should repeat continually.


I've Spent Decades Studying How Mentors Make You Successful. Here's How You Find the Right Ones.

After teaching thousands of students and executives, building a personal board of advisors — or a group of mentors — is the one piece of advice I give to everyone. Here are five of the most important things to know about building your board of mentors.


How True Leaders Create More Leaders — Not Followers

Great leaders understand that a key function of good leadership is to develop team members into the best version of themselves and leaders in their own right.

Starting a Business

How Expert Mentoring Can Boost Startup Ventures Forward

The significant impact expert mentoring can have on startup development and how mentors assist in establishing credibility and a strong industry reputation for startups, ultimately aiding them in achieving their goals more efficiently.


Why Mentorship is So Crucial for the Next Generation of Entrepreneurs

Through consistent availability, qualification and networking, we can shape the leaders of tomorrow, enabling them to achieve their true potential and make a lasting impact on the world.

Thought Leaders

I've Worked with Oprah Winfrey, Richard Branson and Jeff Skoll. Here are 3 Simple Ways They Supercharge Their Success

I was humbled and lucky to learn from these well-known business leaders, but a mentor doesn't have to be famous to offer good advice. In my experience, successful entrepreneurs are happy to make time for people trying to turn their visions into reality.


How to Create an Executive Presence That Actually Persuades and Inspires Others

As you strive to refine your executive presence, remember it's not a destination but a continuous journey of self-improvement and authenticity.


7 Ways to Maximize Mentor Relationships in Business

A solid mentoring program can be the backbone of any company if it is done right. Here are seven ways to ensure yours is effective.


Why Owning Your Decisions Is Critical to Your Success As An Entrepreneur

If you do what everyone tells you do to, you'll end up with exactly what they want — not what you want. Take these steps to ensure you're following the right path.


3 Pivotal Qualities to Look For in a Great Mentor

Great mentors are relevant, well-connected and willing to invest their time.