
Growing a Business

How Brutal Honesty Saved My Business From Going Under (Twice)

Here's why saving face should come second to honesty and transparency when your company runs into trouble

Starting a Business

8 Pieces of Advice for Unconventional Entrepreneurs from a Minority Female Founder

Are you an aspiring business owner who doesn't fit the traditional mold? Don't let a lack of stereotypical leadership qualities keep you from taking the head seat at the table.

Starting a Business

I Made These 3 Big Mistakes When Starting a Business — Here's What I Learned From Them

Starting a business is a wild ride, and mistakes are — unfortunately — an inevitable part of the journey. Here are some of the biggest mistakes I've made along the way and, more importantly, the valuable lessons I've learned from them.

Business Process

8 Horrible Business Email Mistakes to Avoid if You Want to Be Taken Seriously

Take your time, and do not rush through emails.

Growing a Business

5 Ways to Reduce Cash Flow Delays in Your Business

82% of businesses fail due to cash flow problems. Are you taking proactive steps to fix cash flow bottlenecks and ensure your business grows steadily and remains financially stable?


The Path to Success Is Filled With Mistakes. Do These Four Things to Tap Into Their Growth Potential.

Mistakes are often perceived negatively, seen as costly and unacceptable. However, each mistake holds valuable lessons, especially new ones.

Starting a Business

4 Common Mistakes That Will Spell Doom Your Ecommerce Business

It's hard to spot a success story before it happens, yet it's easy to tell if a business will struggle. With that in mind, here are the four most common mistakes people make that you should avoid when starting an ecommerce business.


How to Create a Culture That Embraces Failure and Turns Setbacks into Success

Use these tips to create a safe space for constructive failure in your organization.

Growing a Business

The Top 2 Mistakes Founders Make That Hinder the Growth of Their Companies

Here are two of the biggest ways founders sabotage their own success — and how to fix it.

Growing a Business

3 Cognitive Pitfalls That Are Ruining Your Business — How to Unravel the Biases in Decision-Making

By cultivating awareness and grounding actions in deep research, business leaders can overcome these pitfalls and beat their own brains.


4 Body Language Mistakes You Didn't Realize You're Making at Work — And How to Fix Them

Many unconscious gestures negatively affect your professional life. These four mistakes are easy to do — and easy to fix.

Science & Technology

5 Strategies to Protect Your Company's Customer Service from AI Pitfalls

While AI offers great potential for improving customer service, it's essential to navigate its challenges with caution. By following these strategies, businesses can harness the power of AI effectively and safely.

Operations & Logistics

Waiting For a PR Crisis Is Like Wearing a Bullseye On Your Back. Here Are Some Proactive Steps You Can Take That Could Save Your Brand.

A PR misstep or outright crisis is becoming increasingly common. Regardless of the years open, entrepreneurs, startups and businesses must start preparing and building a solid public reputation for their companies. Reputations can be threatened or severely damaged instantly, and likely out of no fault of your own. Prepare now.


I've Managed a Remote Team for 30 Years. Here Are 6 Mistakes I See New Remote Teams Making That Will Kill Their Success.

Like it or not, remote work is here to stay. As the CEO of one of the first fully remote workplaces in the 1990s, I share six mistakes new remote teams are making that will kill their success.

Business Culture

6 Common Challenges All Women Entrepreneurs Face (and How to Overcome Them)

Each entrepreneur faces their own hurdles. Here are a few common ones women experience most.