Mistakes: Page 2

Resumes & Interviewing

Are You Guilty of Poor Onboarding? The Consequences Are Worse Than You Think.

The onboarding process has a profound effect on your employee satisfaction, retention and productivity. Harness these actionable strategies to optimize your onboarding process, ensuring a smooth transition for new hires.

Starting a Business

I Accidentally Became a Successful Entrepreneur. Here Are 5 Mistakes I Learned to Avoid When Starting a Business

PR is, at its core, storytelling. And the story of my now-thriving solo-owned business has been fraught with as many mistakes as successes, as many fall down the ladder as steps up. It's from my missteps, in fact, that I learned even more than from my triumphs, and this article presents 5 of my biggest blunders on the road to a flourishing small business.

Growing a Business

Business Owners: Are You Making These 10 Mistakes?

Don't let mistakes with simple fixes hold you back from growing your business. Here's what to avoid.


Avoid these 4 Fatal Branding Mistakes or Risk Business Failure

Build an authentic brand by avoiding these mistakes.

Growing a Business

6 Things You Gain By Embracing Failure and Learning From Mistakes

Are you going to look at failure as the end, or are you going to take what didn't work as a lesson and do better? It all depends on your attitude.

Thought Leaders

6 Grammatical Errors That Need to Stop Now

Want people to take you seriously as a professional? Then don't write a message that looks like a text from a high school student.

Growing a Business

'Yesterday Never Happened and Tomorrow Never Will': Why Your Business Strategy Needs to Use This Motto

Our problems are in the past, but solving them is what we can do today.

Money & Finance

Avoid These 3 Common Airbnb Mistakes

Got an Airbnb business that's performing poorly? There are several ways to solve the problem. Let's talk about those here.

Starting a Business

3 Things I Learned in the First 3 Months of Starting My Company

Starting a new business comes with financial, technical and employee-related hurdles that one may not think to plan for ahead of time.

Starting a Business

Building a Business? Here Are 4 Common Challenges You'll Likely Face Along the Way

When launching a startup, knowing where the hurdles are makes it much easier to clear them.


This Dangerous Judgement Error Could Cost You Your Business

This mistake happens more often than you think — and in some cases, proves deadly.

Data & Recovery

5 Common Research Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Being aware of these keyword research errors enables you to create an effective SEO plan and avoid actions that may harm your Google rankings.

Thought Leaders

Avoid These 3 Common Entrepreneur Death Traps

Like life, there is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to entrepreneurship. These three tips will prevent new entrepreneur failure and ensure a stable journey into entrepreneurship.

Growing a Business

How to Avoid These Costly Mistakes in Your Startup's Sales Strategy

Don't make these same mistakes entrepreneurs will often make in their sales strategy that could end up costing you your business.


The 7 Most Common Mistakes New Technology Leaders Make and How to Avoid Them

Here are some of the top mistakes that trip up new technology leaders — and tips for how to avoid them.