Mobile Devices: Page 5


An App That Engages Customers Is Not Automatically an App That Makes Money

Deep analytics combined with good intuition for customer behavior are required if the app is to actually result in more sales.


5 Crisis-Mode Moves to Save Your Google Ranking (Infographic)

Mobile optimization has moved from nicety to necessity. Are you ready?

Science & Technology

This Gadget Lets You Text and Use Apps While Driving, Without Looking at Your Smartphone

Fiddling with your smartphone and driving has been shown to be more dangerous than drunk driving. If you're going to do it, you might as well do it safer. That's the big idea behind RayGo.


What Google's New Mobile-Friendly Changes Mean for You

If you've been holding out on implementing a mobile strategy, it's time to make this a top priority.


4 Can't-Miss Mobile Marketing Best Practices

Help your business launch an exciting, innovative and successful campaign.


Basic Yet Critical Mobile Marketing Tips

For the best results, keep these best practices in mind when creating your own mobile strategy.

Business News

Google Opens Its First-Ever Store in This Big City

It is appropriately called The Google Shop. Two more are set to open later in the year.


5 Ways to Maximize Your Mobile Marketing Strategy

Consumers rely on tablets and mobile phones for shopping, creating opportunities to engage them when they are likeliest to buy.

Business News

Android Just Achieved Something It Will Take Apple Years to Do

Google's operating system reaches a mega milestone.

Science & Technology

The Top 5 Cloud IT Challenges Facing Businesses in 2015

As cloud computing becomes the norm for businesses of all sizes, the demands for security and reliability will increase.


If You Want to Build Good Relationships, Stop Hiding Behind Your Email

If you're working through touchy subjects, in-person is better than the inbox.


The Danger of Continuous Partial Attention

Your distractions are keeping you from being alert, attentive and focused and can hamper your post-event follow up not to mention your day to day activities.


5 Low-Tech Ways to Throttle Time-Sucking Mobile Devices So You Can Concentrate

Sometimes, the killer productivity app is the off switch.


Why Your Company Must Be Digi-Friendly

In the Arab world, there are more than 135 million individuals using the Internet. This is coupled with a mobile penetration rate of around 110% on a regional level.


Mobile Marketing Emerges as the Ultimate Vehicle for Crossing Advertising's 'Last Mile'

Countless brands have long puzzled how to nudge customers into buying. Mobile technologies are the answer everyone has sought.