Politics: Page 10

Science & Technology

This Serial Entrepreneur Is Running for President in 2020 With a Warning About Robots Taking Jobs -- and What He Plans to Do About It

Andrew Yang, founder of Venture for America, discussed the issues he will run on in 2020 and his chances of winning.


Hardik Patel and His Road to Activism

The Patidar Anamat Andolan Samiti has been in the news since 2015 and so is the young leader that initiated it


7 Strategies to Help Entrepreneurs Make Sensible Political Donations

It doesn't take a tremendous investment of time, effort or money to get politically engaged and make your business interests known.


The Impact of the Senate and House Tax Bills on the Small-Business Owner

Plus, 10 things small-business owners should demand from lawmakers in the final bill.

Business News

Here Are the Russia Facebook Ads That Tried to Dupe You

The U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee released several Facebook ads allegedly purchased by Russia-linked organizations during the 2016 election.

Business News

Mark Zuckerberg 'Dead Serious' About Stopping Russian Facebook Abuse

Facebook will 'invest so much in security' that the costs will cut into the company's profitability, Zuckerberg said in an earnings call.

Social Media

People Are Bombarding the Wrong George Papadopoulos With Notifications

The most recent instance of social media virality shows why you should always do your research.

Business News

Twitter to Disclose Who Paid for Ads on its Platform

Twitter unveiled the new effort after U.S. senators introduced legislation that would require tech companies to add disclaimers to political ads.

Thought Leaders

Despite the Dangers, This Founder Is Staying in War-Torn Syria to Help Entrepreneurs

Sami Ismail refuses to leave, wanting to instead continue supporting local entrepreneurs who are trying to succeed.


How and When Brands Should Chime in on Important Issues Such as #MeToo

It's not easy, but there is a correct way to go about doing it.

Business News

Lights, Camera, Politics: South Indian Actors who Have the Citizens' Vote

These actors have banked upon their huge fan following to build a career in politics


How to (Still) Find Great Talent During These Times of Political Turmoil

To bring politics into the workplace or not to bring politics into the workplace? That is the question.

Social Media

Barack Obama's Former Social Media Manager Breaks Down the Future of Digital Strategies

Plus, how politicians and businesses can evolve and learn from the success of Donald Trump's presidential run.

News and Trends

Can Ex-cop Satyapal Singh Be Entrusted With HRD, Clean Ganga Mission?

Singh resigned from his position as the Police Commissioner of Mumbai to join the BJP in 2014

News and Trends

How This IAS Officer Made a Powerful Entry into PM's Cabinet

In his noteworthy career, Singh has been a part of multiple roles under the UPA and NDA government.