Privacy Policies: Page 5

Social Media

Facebook Makes Elusive Vow to Rethink User Experimentation

The social network will give its researchers 'clearer guidelines' for future experimentations -- but just what these guidelines are is anyone's guess.

Business News

Apple Tries to Distance Itself From Facebook and Google on Privacy

As Apple continues to investigate its own high-profile hack, CEO Tim Cook wrote an open letter to customers assuring their private data is safe.

Data & Recovery

The 7 Critical Elements Your Ecommerce Site Needs to Be Considered Trustworthy

With ecommerce platforms making it easier than ever to launch a website, competition is fierce. To ensure your website stands up to the trust test, make sure it has these seven components

Data & Recovery

Google: The Process of 'Forgetting' People Is Still Evolving

In response to questions raised by EU data protection agencies, Google published a point-by-point response explaining how it is currently processing the 91,000 removal requests it has already received.


Even A Business in Cyberspace Needs Legal Protection

That feeling of being unfettered on the Internet is an illusion but some basic legal documents will make it virtually real.

Data & Recovery

EU's 'Right to Be Forgotten' Ruling Is Already Getting Messy

Several news outlets claim some of their articles have been hidden by the search engine.

Social Media

Tell Us: Will Facebook's Unethical User Experiment Make You Quit?

Emotions are running high over an experiment where Facebook manipulated news feeds to see how users' emotional states would be affected.

Science & Technology

Supreme Court Unanimously Rules Police Can't Search Smartphones Without a Warrant

'The fact that technology now allows an individual to carry such information in his hand does not make the information any less worthy of the protection for which [America's] founders fought.'

Social Media

Facebook Rolls Out Site-Wide 'Privacy Checkup,' Revamps Default User Settings

Rather than assuming that new users wish to share their feeds with the entire Internet, Facebook will now implement default sharing among 'Friends.'

Data & Recovery

People Have a 'Right to Be Forgotten,' Top EU Court Tells Google

Google will have to delete 'inadequate, irrelevant or no longer relevant' links on request, the European Court of Justice in Luxembourg ruled today.

Science & Technology

French Courts Force Google to Air Indiscretion on Homepage

Following a failed appeal, Google was ordered by French courts post a notice on its homepage informing users that it would be paying a 150,000-euro fine over privacy violations.

Science & Technology

Obama Changes Rules for NSA Data Collection

Today, the President announced a plan to overhaul the way the National Security Agency handles cell phone metadata, among other security policy changes.

Social Media

New Facebook Privacy Issue Sparks Official FTC Inquiry

The social network is under fire again over the way it shares user information for advertising purposes.

Science & Technology

Mobile App Basics: 3 Ways to Make User Security a Priority

After one popular app's privacy snafu, here's a look at what you should consider when developing your own mobile apps.

Social Media

How Google, Apple, Facebook and Others Use Your Personal Data (Infographic)

A look at what some of the largest tech companies are doing with what they know about you.