Resumes: Page 6
18 Tips to Help Your Resume Stand Out From the Rest (Infographic)
These quick tips can help you get your foot in the door at the company of your dreams.
Everything You Need to Know About Writing the Perfect Resume
If there's one area worth investing in when it comes to the job search, it's definitely your resume.
Why Tampering With Your CV Is Not a Wise Decision
One of the most recent examples is the Samsonite CEO Ramesh Tainwala who stepped down amid allegations of false educational credentials
6 of the Most Captivating Cover Letter Openers -- and Why They Work
Cover letters are tough. Here are some tips to help you get started.
4 Red Flags to Watch Out for on a Resume
Here are some of the most common signs to look for when hiring new employees.
Not Enough Experience on Your Resume? Rise Above 'Requirements'
Only a unicorn ticks every box of a recruiter's job description. Skills and experience aren't all acquired only at work. You are more than a mere list of your employers and what you did for them. When in doubt, apply anyway.
#4 Skills That Will Get You Hired At a Startup
Entering the corporate world and more specifically the hyper-active startup world brings its own set of challenges for freshers.
Answers to 15 of the Most Common Job Search Questions
Finding a job is no easy task. Here's some information to make it easier.
4 Tips for Using Resume Keywords
If you're not using keywords, it's likely your resume will never be opened by a hiring manager.
Most Common Things People Lie About on Their Resume
Entrepreneurs should stay cautious and identify the lies mentioned on the candidate's resume
#5 Tips to Nail a Job Interview
Every bullet on your resume is a part of the life that you lived. Be prepared with considerable degree of details to respond to every point on your resume.
8 Ways to Make Your Resume Stand Out From the Pack
Find out how to make a resume that gets results.
#4 Challenges Startups Face While Hiring Young Talent
Many startups don't market themselves well in social media which is the only inexpensive way to create a brand visibility
6 Ways to Make Sure Your Resume Gets Read
Advance to the interview round by sidestepping common mistakes with not-so-common solutions.
The Similarities Between Looking for a Job and Starting Up
A lot of research, identify the need or a problem, align the skill sets and then develop the product to suit the market