Robots: Page 10

Science & Technology

5 Innovative Ways Artificial Intelligence Is Advancing Technology

Artificial intelligence is moving forward in these five important ways. Are you ready for it?

Business News

How Much Is That Robo-Doggy in the Window?

You, yes you, can soon adopt The Terminator's poodle!

Science & Technology

What's Holding Back the Robot Revolution? We Humans.

Elon Musk observed that flying cars 'could drop a hubcap and guillotine you.' A lot of us share that fear.

Science & Technology

The Definitive Guide to Chatbots: These Bots Are Here to Serve.

No, they're not sci-fi robots. They're computer programs that interact with your customers and earn you sky-high approval ratings.

Business News

Elon Musk Says That Too Many Robots Slowed Down Model 3 Production

Tesla's big issue is battery production, but this robot thing didn't help.

Science & Technology

Dear Young, Future Entrepreneurs: Here's Why You Shouldn't Fear Automation

In a recent study, more than one-third of employed millennials surveyed said they believed that within 20 years, machines would be able to do the job they -- the humans -- do today. Only one in 10 feared that future.

Growing a Business

Here's What You Can Do Now to Stay Employed When They Finally Have a Robot for Your Job

Automation is certain to displace millions of workers but also create millions of other jobs. Prepare now to keep working then.

Science & Technology

Automation Is Not Tomorrow -- It's Today

Automation is accelerating to a point where it will soon threaten our social fabric and way of life. We must find new ways to organize ourselves independent of the values that the marketplace assigns to each and every one of us.

Celebrity Entrepreneurs

We Present to You the Next Jeff Bezos Meme

The billionaire founder of Amazon has already become a meme. Him photographed walking a robotic dog may turn into the next one.

Science & Technology

This Serial Entrepreneur Is Running for President in 2020 With a Warning About Robots Taking Jobs -- and What He Plans to Do About It

Andrew Yang, founder of Venture for America, discussed the issues he will run on in 2020 and his chances of winning.


10 Technologies That Are Changing the World

Voice and robot assistants. Gene-splicing technology. Regenerative medicine. The future is an exciting place.

Growing a Business

Automation Is Expected to Create Jobs but Only You Can Make Sure You Get One

Prepare now to join the digital workforce before the arrival of the robotic overlords.

Business News

Watch This Robot Endure Abuse While Opening a Door

The mechanical hound gets repeatedly blocked from opening and walking through a door, but it never gives up.