Jonathan Long


Jonathan Long is the founder of Uber Brands, a brand-development agency focusing on ecommerce.

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Dropshipping Business: How They Work & Steps to Get Started

Interested in a ecommerce dropping business? Learn how dropshipping works and the six essential steps to build a successful online dropshipping business.

Thought Leaders

6 Grammatical Errors That Need to Stop Now

Want people to take you seriously as a professional? Then don't write a message that looks like a text from a high school student.

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3 Tips to Keep Millennials Engaged

They may seem fickle, but they're also a crucial customer base.


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¿Quiere iniciar un negocio de envío directo? Así es cómo.

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What Happens After You Go on 'Shark Tank' and Get an Offer?

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10 Instagram Marketing Tools to Help Grow Your Brand on Instagram in 2019

Instagram marketing can help you scale your brand quickly, and these tools can help you do that.

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