Science: Page 8

Business News

Scientists Accidentally Produce an Enzyme That Devours Plastic

The mutant enzyme breaks down plastic in a matter of days.

Operations & Logistics

What Entrepreneurs Can Learn From Theranos's Fall From Grace

Honesty and transparency are vital for success. Don't let your customers hear from somebody else that you've sold them a work in progress.

Business News

11 Inspiring and Hilarious Quotes From Stephen Hawking

The world-renowned astrophysicist left behind a thought-provoking legacy of wit and wisdom.

Women Entrepreneur®

India's Women Scientists Who Turned Entrepreneurs for a Societal Cause

To solve the existing issues in India, they have chosen the path of entrepreneurship, and are doing exceptionally well


Bill Gates Shares the Everyday Heroes Who Inspire Him

The Microsoft co-founder shines a spotlight on some of the people he admires who are making a difference.


Why Tech Needs to Stop Blaming the Pipeline for Its Lack of Diversity

One-time fixes and half-measures won't cut it. Company leaders must fully commit to continuous improvement, just as they do in other aspects of their businesses.


The Former Singer of Blink-182 Is Creating a Sci-Fi Disney for Millennials (and It Studies UFOs, Too)

Tom Delonge says he's partnered with top-ranking government officials and aerospace engineers for his company To The Stars.


Science Says You Can Do This Simple Action to Boost Your Memory

You have to listen to your own voice.

Celebrity Entrepreneurs

The 6 Simple Steps Elon Musk Uses to Solve Any Problem

You learned these steps in elementary school, but do you ever actually use them?

Health & Wellness

Science Says This Simple Strategy Can Boost Your Brain Power

A new study says exercise leads to making your brain bigger.

Business News

Brain Science Says to Trust Your Gut in These Key Moments

Tough situations make it harder to process information -- but that's not necessarily a bad thing.


For the Brain, Sleep Deprivation Is as Bad as Being Drunk

Yet another reason to get the rest that you need.

Science & Technology

What's a Cause of Stock Market Crashes? Too Much Testosterone, Science Says.

In a study, the hormone inflated the participants' perception of a stock's worth.