Speaking: Page 5
3 Tips for Getting Speaking Gigs
Don't sit back, waiting for that big opportunity. Go after it with all you've got.
8 Buzzwords to Blacklist in Your Workplace
Not only are phrases like these overused and misused, they often communicate very little or nothing.
5 Ways to Be a More Effective People Person
Want your social butterfly to soar? Try these tips.
Hire Professional Moderators So Your Event Panels Don't Suck
While a lot of attention is given to finding keynote speakers and other event details, panels often end up being an afterthought. This is where a professional moderator can help.
7 Bad Speaking Habits to Break Immediately (Infographic)
Even your best ideas mean nothing if no one listens to you.
Misused Words That Make Smart People Look Dumb
It's the words that we think we're using correctly that wreak the most havoc.
Why You Should Choose Your Words Wisely
The words you think, the words you write, the words you sing, the words you dream all come together to write the story of your life -- and how others perceive you.
Are You Hiding Behind Squishy Words? Stop.
The words we use to describe the work we do should connote both promise and obligation.
Don't Talk to Your Audience, Talk With Them
Our conversation with an audience is not a monologue; it's a dialogue.
12 Dated Expressions That Deserve a Comeback
Do you use the same words or phrases over and over? Freshen up your vocabulary with these gems from the past.
How to Talk Your Way to More Opportunities
While how you say something is important, what you say can still be the difference between success and anything else short of that.
These Words Can Hurt Your Credibility Without You Even Realizing It
Most people don't realize how they sound to others.
Entrepreneurs Must Always Have Answers for These 5 Questions
A leader can always articulate a vision and comment on current events.
3 Ways Entrepreneurs Can Find Paid Public Speaking Engagements
Many organizations and businesses have budgets for speakers. Finding them and connecting is just like hustling for any other opportunity.
You'll Never Hear Successful People Say These 15 Phrases
To get to where you want to be, the best and easiest thing to do is to simply follow the examples that others set for you.