

Spotify ya está probando alertas de emergencia en Suecia

Hasta el momento, se desconoce si la aplicación de streaming pretende expandir dicha herramienta.

Business News

You Can Now Upload Your Video Podcast to Spotify, Even If You're Hosted on a Competing Platform

The number of video podcasts on Spotify has more than doubled since last year.


Ahora Spotify permite a cualquiera usuario subir podcasts con video

De acuerdo con cifras de la empresa, más de 170 millones de personas ven videos en la plataforma.

Business News

Spotify Is Officially Raising Prices on All Plans Except One — Here's When the Increase Goes Into Effect

The price hikes are Spotify's second in a year after keeping individual subscriptions at $9.99 for over a decade, from its launch in the U.S. in 2011 to 2023.


Ahora Spotify te pide que pagues para poder ver las letras de una canción

La plataforma de música en streaming busca que más personas paguen por utilizar el servicio.

Business News

Spotify Removes a Key Feature From Its Free Music Listening Tier

The change is unofficial, so far, but social media users on Reddit and X have noticed a cap on using the lyrics feature.

Business News

Spotify Employees Question Lavish Spending on Events While the Company Lays Off Thousands

Four days after celebrating their annual "Wrapped" campaign with an exclusive party in November, Spotify cut 1,500 jobs, including employees who worked on the campaign.

Business News

Spotify Is Reportedly Raising Prices in Several Countries Including the U.S. — Here's When and What New Plans to Expect

A new report suggests the music streaming giant is raising prices again.


Spotify va por YouTube y lanza videos musicales en su plataforma

Por el momento, esta opción estará disponible únicamente en algunos países.


La Unión Europea impone una multa de casi €2,000 millones de euros a Apple por monopolio

La empresa dio conocer que apelará las decisión, asegurando que las acusaciones carecen de fundamento.

Business News

Spotify CEO Daniel Ek Is Worth Billions — But Says He Still Feels 'Inadequate Every Day'

The Spotify chief made the comments on a podcast last month.

Business News

In a Leaked Recording, Amazon's Audible CEO Dishes on Rivalry with Spotify's New Audiobook Business. 'It's Hard to Ignore.'

"To say that that is not something that we should be paying close attention to would be business irresponsibility."


Google, Netflix y Spotify la dan la espalda a las gafas Apple Vision Pro

Los gigantes de la tecnología han decidido no crear aplicaciones especiales para este dispositivo.


Spotify anuncia el despido del 17% de sus empleados

La plataforma de streaming dio a conocer la noticia a través de un comunicado, publicado en su blog oficial.