Spotify: Page 9

Buying / Investing in Business

Dr. Dre's Beats Electronics Gets $500 Million Investment From Carlyle, Buys Out HTC

Beats dominates the U.S. market for high-end headphones, but it failed to give HTC its groove back, so the Taiwanese smartphone company is pulling the plug on their partnership.

Science & Technology

Music Service Rdio Will Launch Free Version to Compete With Spotify

Three-year-old startup Rdio is partnering with a terrestrial radio station operator to gain new content and grow its audience.

Business News

15 Billion-Dollar Tech Startups

You might be surprised at some of the companies that have reached the billion-dollar valuation mark.

Business Ideas

Pandora's Tim Westergren Wants to Make Musicians Respectable

Like many companies, Pandora doesn't just want to make a buck. The company also aims to turn being a musician into a middle-class job.


10 Lessons in Brilliant Marketing

From viral campaigns to virus campaigns, we pick the 10 marketing initiatives in 2011 that hit on that winning combination of great idea, perfect timing and flawless execution.

Social Media

Social Media Breakdown: Spotify

When digital music service Spotify crossed the Atlantic to the U.S., the company leaned heavily on social media to build awareness. Here's a look at what worked for them.