Startup Financing


You Don't Need Venture Capital Anymore — Here Are 4 Funding Alternatives

Are you hoping to raise capital for your business without traditional investor interference? Here are four alternatives you could pursue.

Starting a Business

How to Navigate the Choppy Waters of Startup Valuation

In a landscape where down rounds are rising and a good business idea doesn't always equal financial gain, entrepreneurs must navigate the tricky waters of valuation with a clear-eyed approach to secure the funding they need.

Money & Finance

Struggling to Get a Bank Loan for Your Small Business? Try This Flexible Financing Option Instead.

Private capital is a non-traditional financing solution that offers fast access to capital, customized solutions and flexible terms.

Thought Leaders

How to Navigate Risk, Regulation and Resilience in Entrepreneurship

Setbacks serve as a stark reminder of the volatility and unpredictability inherent in business.


How to Build a Marketing Function During the Early Stage of Your Startup

Don't settle for an agency doing grunt work and simply taking orders; make sure they can proactively define a marketing strategy to get you several steps further on the growth path.

Growing a Business

3 Crucial Strategies for Sustaining Growth in a Competitive Market

Scaling a business for growth isn't simple, but these strategies can help.

Starting a Business

5 Growth-Hacking Strategies to Help Your Startup Succeed

Discover the essentials of building a robust startup, from assembling the right team to employing guerrilla marketing, and turn the odds of success in your favor.

Money & Finance

How to Ensure Your Financing Isn't Overextending the Capabilities of Your Business

Tips for small business owners on how to evaluate potential interest rates on loans as well as the steps they can take to lower their rates.

Starting a Business

Why Effective Communication is the Key to Success for Startups

In the competitive world of startups, communication is pivotal in determining their success.

Growing a Business

Why It's Unwise to 'Fake It 'Til You Make It' in the Startup World — and What to Do Instead

The startup mantra of "fake it 'til you make it" has recently resulted in a series of high-profile convictions of entrepreneurs. There are ethical ways to accomplish the same startup goals without committing outright fraud.


5 Things That Have Changed in Startup Pitching This Year

Due to the funding crisis, this year's startup pitching has undergone a major shift, with a stronger emphasis now being placed on cost structures, profitability, and unit economics.

Starting a Business

7 Reasons to Trust Your Gut When Starting a Business

You know what's right for you, so trust yourself!

Buying / Investing in Business

Investors Can Safeguard Their Money By Focusing on One Crucial Step

You wouldn't buy a house without inspecting it first, right? Investing in businesses shouldn't be any different.


How To Improve Your Startup's Financial Results By Using An External Advisory Firm

Bringing an advisory firm on board is analogous to hiring several top-level C-suite executives, even as a startup with minimal overheads.

Starting a Business

7 Tips for College Graduates Looking to Jump Into the Small Business World

Interested in acting on your entrepreneurial ambitions right out of college? Here are seven tips to get started.