Hilt Tatum IV

Entrepreneur Leadership Network® Contributor


Hilt Tatum IV, CEO of Dale Ventures Group of Companies and former CEO of Oxford Consulting Group and iPoint Capital Partners, was educated at Oxford and LBS. He co-founded 20+ firms, with expertise in private equity and diverse sectors. A committed philanthropist, he supports Project Joy in Panama.

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Starting a Business

Your Business Will Never Succeed If You Overlook This Key Step

A comprehensive guide for startups to achieve and maintain product-market fit through thorough market research, iterative product development and strategic scaling while prioritizing customer feedback and agility.


You Don't Need Venture Capital Anymore — Here Are 4 Funding Alternatives

Are you hoping to raise capital for your business without traditional investor interference? Here are four alternatives you could pursue.


If You Want Funding, These Are the Financial Reports VCs Need to See

When you're trying to attract new investors, there are several financial reports and metrics you'll need to have ready before you have a chance at potential funding. As the CEO of a venture capital firm and investment group, here's what you need for the best pitch.

Starting a Business

I've Co-founded Over 20 Firms — These Are the Five Critical Questions You Need to Ask to Evaluate Your Startup's Health

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Estos son los consejos que me hubiera gustado haber recibido cuando era un joven emprendedor

Iniciar tu propio negocio es una de las experiencias más desafiantes como emprendedor. Pero, con la orientación adecuada, puede ser una de las más gratificantes. A continuación, te comparto algunos consejos que desearía haber recibido cuando comencé.

Starting a Business

I Wish I Received This Advice as a Young Entrepreneur

Starting your own business is one of entrepreneurs' most challenging experiences. But, with the proper guidance, it can be among the most rewarding. Here's advice I wish I'd received when I was starting out.

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