Traits: Page 8
9 Traits That Will Lead You to Success
Spending a summer observing a well-liked and 'lucky' businessman illuminates qualities we all can strive for.
7 Key Attributes to Look for in a Balanced Entrepreneur
Starting a business requires a mentality that enjoys a mix of activities that include leadership, decision-making and problem solving.
The 4 E's of Exceptional Entrepreneurship
The hardest part about being an entrepreneur isn't coming up with the next genius idea, it's getting it out there.
4 Lessons About Entrepreneurs, From the Seat of a Bicycle
On a 4,000-mile bike trek, one professor learned some surprising traits about small business owners.
Persevere, Laugh at the Absurd and Let Nothing Get on Your Nerves
We have little control over what life throws at us but how we respond to it is our choice.
17 Traits That Entrepreneurs Possess
While you may not have all of these qualities, these are good signs you're cut out for the entrepreneurial life.
Curiosity and Carelessness: The Surprising Similarities of Navy SEALs and Entrepreneurs
Aside from weapons training, is there really any difference between these military elites and those who launch new businesses?
Why Derek Jeter Is So Admired
The Yankee captain is calling it quits. Business leaders can learn a lot from the way he played the game.
What Makes Great Entrepreneurs Tick
Comparing traits of successful people is an exercise in futility. But understanding habits is quite useful.
Do You Have the Entrepreneurial 'X Factor?'
While everyone is trying to jump on the entrepreneur bandwagon, some people are naturally more cut out for the ride than others.
The 7 Traits of Successful Entrepreneurs
Entrepreneurs are a diverse bunch. The best ones, however, share a collection of characteristics -- from tenacity to the ability to tolerate risk -- that are crucial to any successful venture.