Traits: Page 6

Thought Leaders

50 Habits That Prove You Were Born to Be an Entrepreneur

Do you want to create, build and grow your own enterprise? Are you filled with the passion for ingenuity?

Buying / Investing in Business

5 Personality Traits Investors Look for in Entrepreneurs

Attaining capital means impressing seasoned financiers and convincing them that your business, more than any other, is worthy of their time and money.

Thought Leaders

10 Things the Best of the Best Do Differently

Want to be among the elite on top of the mountain? Start adapting these traits and habits.

Thought Leaders

7 Attributes of an Extraordinary Entrepreneur

Adopting these seven traits can certainly help you get recognized for the entrepreneur you are.

Thought Leaders

6 Traits of a Maverick That Make for Successful Entrepreneurs

Those who are willing to take action, step out of their comfort zone and risk doing things a bit differently in pursuit of a goal are the ones who will make a difference.

Starting a Business

The Startup Life May Be for You If You Have These 5 Qualities

Say goodbye to stability. Leaving a paycheck is not for everyone, so go through this list to see if you have what it takes.

Thought Leaders

3 Characteristics Successful Entrepreneurs Never Have

On the path to success, sometimes the things you don't do are as important as those you should.

Thought Leaders

The 5 Qualities You Need to Successfully License an Idea

If you want to live the life of an inventor, you had better develop yourself into an inventor.

Thought Leaders

7 Qualities Successful Entrepreneurs Have in Common

There's a distinct character set that accompanies the world's best business owners.


5 Traits All Great Entrepreneurs Have

Achieving greatness as a business owner takes time and effort, and there's no shortcut to success that can get you there.

Thought Leaders

The Trait Entrepreneurs Share With a 100-Million-Year-Old Species

I gained some valuable insights about business owners while scrolling through my Instagram feed.


The Pursuit of Happiness: Self-Actualization and Maslow's Mistake

What if we looked at self-actualization just a little differently? Maybe, just maybe, the goal isn't to get to the top.


10 Behaviors of Genuine People

In a world of phony fads, media hype, virtual personas, and personal brands, being genuine is becoming an endangered quality.


Want to Be Successful? Quit Wasting Your Brain.

We didn't evolve enormous brains with the capacity for complex reasoning so you can sit on your butt pondering stuff cavemen did without thinking.

Thought Leaders

How to Develop the Soft Skills of the Successful Entrepreneur

Can entrepreneurship be taught? Some of it. More importantly, though, are the skills than need to be fostered.