Nitin Kumar


Co-founder of zblocks and two-decade tech veteran, transformative CEO, and ex-Management Consulting Partner focused on the TMT sectors. Nitin has led hyper-scale organizations ($multi-billion P/L) and start-ups with international experience across all major markets (six continents).

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Thought Leaders

5 Risky Personality Traits Common in Entrepreneurs. Do You Have One of Them?

These are the founders who can blindsight investors and provide disappointing returns.

Debt / Loans / Refinancing

4 Tips to Manage and Avoid This Startup Killer

Technical debt must be taken care of if you want to ensure early and long-term startup growth.


7 hábitos obsoletos que paralizan tu negocio

Estas estrategias y reglas obsoletas de la vieja economía sofocan lentamente el éxito de los negocios. Estas son las razones por las que las buenas empresas terminan mal.

Growing a Business

Web3 in 2023: 6 Trends Towards The Path of Sanity

In the post-FTX scandal era, the Web3 rules are changing.

Making a Change

A New Economy is Coming. Here Are 5 Ways to Prepare Your Mindset for Personal Success

Follow these few tips to let go of the old economy mindset and transition to the new economy.

Science & Technology

It's Time to Prepare for the Algorithmic Workforce

Prepare for an era of working with bots, digital humans, holograms and algorithms as colleagues.

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