Deep Patel
Entrepreneur Leadership Network® Contributor
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9 maneras de atraer energía positiva hoy y todos los días
La buena energía puede aumentar nuestros sentimientos de bienestar, disolver los sentimientos de ansiedad y mejorar la comunicación.
10 TV Shows Every Entrepreneur Should Watch on Netflix
Have some free time on your hands? Get into one of these series.
7 Movies on Netflix All Entrepreneurs Should Watch
These films — about leaders, entrepreneurs and the business world — will both entertain and educate.
Want to Improve Your Productivity? These 7 Types of Music Will Help You Focus
Listening to the right music can help you concentrate when you're on a deadline, studying for an exam or just trying to increase productivity.
Looking to Achieve Your Goals But Don't Know Where to Start? Try These Proven Goal-Setting Strategies.
Find a more effective way of creating – and achieving – your goals. Get clear on your vision, make your plan, take action, reassess and then revise.
16 características de los pensadores críticos
La intuición es digna de confianza después de haber investigado más a fondo para obtener información y conocimientos.
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