Ivan Popov
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No te dejes llevar por la ira cuando estés estresado. He aquí 4 consejos sobre cómo mantener la calma
Aprende a transformar tu ira en emociones más fructíferas para que tu experiencia de liderazgo no se vea afectada.
Don't Resort to Anger When You're Stressed Out. Here Are 4 Tips on How to Stay Calm.
Learn how to transform your anger into more fruitful emotions so that your leadership experience stays intact.
5 Unexpected Life Changes You Might Experience When Starting a Business
Running a business sometimes has an unpredictable effect on our lives — but the more we are aware of all the possible takeaways, the easier it would be to overcome each obstacle along the way.
El 90% de los negocios en línea fracasan en solo cuatro meses. Estas estrategias evitarán que el tuyo sea uno de ellos
Pensar en las posibles fallas no es ser fatalista; de hecho, es una oportunidad para que cualquier empresa se prepare para los posibles resultados.
90% of Online Businesses Fail in Just 4 Months. You Can Avoid the Same Fate By Using These Strategies.
It's not catastrophizing when we think about potential failure; it's in fact a chance for any business to precisely see any outcome and prepare in advance.
Sometimes Managers Cross the Line. Avoid These 4 Mishaps So You Don't Fall Into That Category.
We do our best to become better at management, but this doesn't mean we're immune to making mistakes. Here are a few ideas that you might want to consider.
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