Allison Engel
Allison Conkright Engel leads global marketing and operations for Dell for Entrepreneurs. Prior to Dell, Allison worked for various startups, where she led their Southwest expansion efforts. She has more than 15 years of experience in media and marketing and has worked for several iconic brands.
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More Than Money: 4 Tips to Find the Right Investor for Your Startup
Your ideal investor won't be just a walking bank account.
Stop Multitasking! 3 Tips to Help You Focus on the Big Picture.
Outsourcing expertise is money well spent when it gets you to concentrate on the things a founder should.
Are You an Entrepreneur? 4 Questions Will Help You Find Out.
These criteria separate entrepreneurs from small-business owners, and yes, there is a difference.
4 Ways to Tweak Your Marketing Message for Enterprise Clients
Tailor your communications to larger companies to land these career-defining deals.
6 Key Questions You Need to Answer Before Pitching an Enterprise Client
The payoff for landing a large company as a customer is huge, but a lack of preparation can seriously jeopardize future opportunities.
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