Andrea Murad


Andrea Murad is a New York-based writer. Having worked on both Wall Street and Main Street, she now pursues her passion for words and covers careers, investing and money.

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Starting a Business

Ready to 'Rent' Out Your Life Via the Sharing Economy?

Here are five questions people commonly ask before diving in.


Going Away This Summer? Start Planning. Now.

Booking a North American flight at least 57 days in advance will save you 10 percent.


Mediation, Arbitration or Trial? Information to Make Your Decision With.

You may want to hide that messy divorce you're going through -- here's how.

Money & Finance

Are You That Lucky Employee With an IPO Windfall?

If you are, then don't lose it. Instead, plan wisely. Here are five ways to do that.

Real Estate

11 Things You Need to Know About Real Estate Negotiations

Buying a house becomes a dance between buyer and seller as both push and pull for what they want.

Thought Leaders

How to Keep Your Business Together When Your Marriage Is Coming Apart

Divorce is one of the toughest times in life to make rational decisions, like maintaining the family business because it is in everyone's best interest.

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