Brittany Larsen
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How to Announce Big Changes Without Creating New Problems
Get key employee buy-in before making any announcements.
Office Relationships Work a Lot Like Those With Friends and Family
Confront problems head on and face-to-face because you are going to be seeing that face every day.
Don't Ask for a Raise If You Fall Into 1 of These 3 Categories
As with everything else in life, when you're requesting a raise, timing is everything.
United Airlines' Bonus Lottery Was Doomed to Fail. Don't Make the Same Mistake With Your Team.
Your employees don't want rewards -- they want respect.
What You Need to Assess About Your Audience to Make Your Presentation a Hit
Knowing who you are talking to is the first step to persuading them your idea is worth acting on.
Building Your Personal Brand Where You Work
To avoid an employment crisis down the road, start doing simple, effective PR for yourself at the office, now.
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