S. Chris Edmonds


S. Chris Edmonds is the founder and CEO of the Purposeful Culture Group and a senior consultant with @KenBlanchard. He is a sought-after speaker and executive consultant. Chris has written six books and two ChangeThis manifestos. Edmonds' latest book, The Culture Engine, helps leaders create workplace inspiration with an organizational constitution. Join Chris for his Culture Leadership Roundtable, a one-morning-a-month series from March-September in Denver, Colorado.

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When It Comes to Harassment, Workplace Silence Doesn't Mean Everything Is OK

You'll only know with a high degree of confidence that everything's good at your company if you measure and listen to employee perceptions.


Institute 'Spring Training' for Your Business

Regular 'summits' will help ensure that everyone is on the same page.


3 Ways to Avoid the Leadership Mistakes That Undermine Your Team

Among the great challenges of leadership is that when you are getting wrong, there is nobody but you to point it out.

Growing a Business

To Boost Your Business Treat Employees as Well as Your Customers

Workers who feel neglected and poorly treated are not likle to treat customers any better.


Is There Too Much to Do or Are You Not Delegating Enough?

Business owners who try to do it all themselves usually don't get it all done.


To Have the Company Culture That Achieves All Your Goals, Work at It Every Day

Spelling out the values that guide your company and living them consistently is not magic but the results it brings will seem so.

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