Chris McIntyre
Chris McIntyre is the author of The Roadmap to Freedom: A Small-Business Owner's Guide to Connecting People to a Core Message (Entrepreneur Press, 2012). He is a motivational speaker, executive coach and consultant focused on peak productivity. He is based in San Diego, Calif.
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Need a Vacation? How to Make Your Company Run Without You
Entrusting employees with running your business so you can take a break this summer is important for your wellbeing. Here's how.
How to Attract Top Candidates Without Posting to Job Boards
Everyone else is flocking online to find new employees. Here are five ways you can uncover superstar job candidates without visiting a single site.
How to Hire Superstar Employees
Making sure you hire the best employees -- and the right employees -- for your business isn't a matter of luck. Here are six steps you should take to guarantee you'll land superstar talent.
How to Start Off New Employees on the Right Foot
Don't just hire a great job candidate and ignore them. Instead, find out why getting them to offer three very specific updates after their first 30 days can help them thrive.
Time Starved? How to Keep Meetings Short
Lengthy meetings can be the bane of ambitious business owners. Here's a plan for training employees to get to the point quickly and solve problems for you.
Nightmare on Main Street: Workers That Can Sap Your Soul
A horror-story employee can turn a high-performing team into zombies. Here's how to recognize this familiar plot line.
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