Cindy Yang


Cindy Yang is head of the small-business group for NerdWallet, a personal finance startup. A former Goldman Sachs investment banking analyst, Yang teaches marketing for small-business owners at the San Francisco office of the U.S. Small Business Administration.

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Debt / Loans / Refinancing

Will 'Being Wasted' on Facebook Hurt Your Small-Business Loan Chances?

You should always assume your social-media accounts are being examined when applying for a business loan.

Business News

Industries Driving the Top 10 Small Cities for Business Owners

Here's a closer look at what makes the top small cities shine for local entrepreneurs.


Crowdfunding or a Small-Business Loan: What's Best for Your Company?

Your needs and markets will help determine the best route for outside funding.

Debt / Loans / Refinancing

Cash Crunch: What's the Best Loan for Your Small Business?

It may seem tough to fund a new business, but entrepreneurs have more options than ever before. Investigate them all before deciding on what's best for you.


How to Handle Your Family Bankrolling Your Business

Friends and family of new entrepreneurs are the greatest single source of outside funding but just because it's common, doesn't mean you shouldn't use caution.

Growing a Business

The Name Game: Christening Your Business for Success

The name of your business has to encapsulate the practical usefulness of your products or services for your customers, signal your differentiation from competitors and embody the philosophy of your company.

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