Constance Aguilar
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Everything You Need to Know About the 5 Changes Roiling Digital Advertising
Invest in video, understand your audience and research the channels they use.
4 Ways to Make Visual Search Work for Your Customers and Your Company
Don't get caught on the wrong side of history. Plan your next steps now.
3 Ways to Boost Your Online Brand by Respecting Privacy
Consumers have soured on the trade in their personal data. A few companies are carving out a niche by rejecting Orwellian practices.
Innovation Goes Nowhere Unless You Have a Method to Survive as a Startup
The most famously innovative and successful companies all had to survive similar early-stage mistakes and failures.
Survey Finds Marketers Know All the Important Tech Trends But Aren't Prepared for Any of Them
A convergence of online technologies is revolutionizing online marketing but marketers seem to be simply waiting to see what happens.
3 Secret Weapons to Make Your Crowdfunding Campaign a Resounding Success
The future of crowdfunding is huge and complex, and can seem hopelessly fragmented to budding entrepreneurs. But with these tools, exposure and success can be a lot simpler.
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