Craig Reiss
Craig Reiss is the former editor-in-chief of
Mediaweek. He also was chief creative officer for Primedia, where he oversaw positioning for 150 media brands. Reiss is now principal of CIA: Customers Into Advocates, a Connecticut-based customer research firm.
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How to Build a Winning Brand
Create your image, get known and give your customers what they want. Just leave the ego at home.
Selling the Great Outdoors--Online
John Laramie and his cohorts at ADstruc are taking the multibillion-dollar industry of outdoor advertising where, inexplicably, it's never gone before: to the Web.
Why You Need to Know TED
A first-person account of the world-renowned conference--and how it will change your business and perspective forever
Five Lessons from the Old Spice Man
A look inside the successful new media campaign from an old-school brand
In Failure, 6 Valuable Lessons
Over the course of one year, Craig Reiss went from thinking about a $1 billion valuation to closing his doors for good. He offers his story to save others the emotional devastation.
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