David Winkler
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Your Documents Aren't Safe. Here Are the Best Practices for Document Security
The digitized document revolution comes with inherent concerns about properly securing all this information. Companies need to incorporate the highest levels of document-management security.
How to Conduct Intelligent Document and Data Management
For many companies, critical data is locked on a printed page, stored in a box or sitting on someone's desk. It isn't easy to get that information flowing without scores of people to rekey it into an electronic format. These outdated practices are driving the adoption of intelligent document management.
Boost Your Mailroom's Efficiency With This Innovative Solution
On-premise mailrooms are slow, error prone and require too much labor and valuable real estate - not to mention they simply cannot support today's 'new world of work.'
Aumente la eficiencia de su sala de correo con esta solución innovadora
Las salas de correo en las instalaciones son lentas, propensas a errores y requieren demasiada mano de obra y bienes raíces valiosos, sin mencionar que simplemente no pueden soportar el 'nuevo mundo laboral' actual.
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