Ehsan Jahandarpour


Ehsan Jahandarpour is a startup coach and growth hacker. He helps companies like Microsoft, PETRONAS, and BBDO grow their business. 

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Data & Recovery

SEO Growth Hacking Techniques to Scale Your Business

You need more than just a great website.

Growing a Business

4 Keys to Boosting Your Growth Rate in 2017

Customer acquisition is a long-term process, so get started now.


How to Create a Lead Magnet That Attracts Visitors and Converts Customers

No bait-and-switch here: Quality, relevant offers are the real way to get website users to opt in.

Growing a Business

6 Essential Components of a Solid Growth Strategy

Entrepreneurs must have a growth hacker mindset.


9 Ways to Save Time and Money With Marketing Automation (Infographic)

Seventy-eight percent of marketers say automation increases revenue.

Growing a Business

4 Ways to Sell More Using 'Customer Journey Optimization' Strategy

An efficient customer journey will improve your conversion rate.

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