Gabriel Bristol


Gabriel Bristol is president and CEO of Intelicare Direct, a customer-service solutions company in Las Vegas. He has been involved with turnarounds of several large corporations as well as helping to establish startups.

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Why Diversity In the Workforce Is Imperative

Workplace diversity ensures that there will be more than one way to look at a problem.

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5 Habits to Ensure Success at Work

The small patterns you create on a daily basis not only increase your overall happiness but showcase skill and establish confidence.


The 4 Pillars of Better Leadership

Transparency and attention to details are part of building a more successful company.


How Reflection Sets You Up for Success

Taking the time to reflect on your business keeps one focused on the objective, working toward goals and grateful -- yes, grateful -- for bumps in the road.


You Are Your Own Best Marketer

Just like a billboard or banner ad, you're communicating the value of your personal brand.

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Advice for Older Americans Seeking Employment

Give your own motives a deep assessment, avoid your biases and market yourself for the current-day work world.

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