Gene Marks: Page 16

Entrepreneur Leadership Network® VIP
President of The Marks Group

Gene Marks is a CPA and owner of The Marks Group PC, a ten-person technology and financial consulting firm located near Philadelphia founded in 1994.

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Latest: Page 16


To Host the Best Holiday Party Hand Out Bonuses and Go Home

To make your office party less of an ordeal for your team, tell them thanks for working hard and then leave them alone.

Money & Finance

Technology You Bought But Won't Learn to Use Is Money Wasted

Remarkably few businesses invest the time, much less money, to maximize software they own but don't really understand.

Business Plans

The Only Report You Need to Run a Successful Business

And the best part? It won't cost you anything extra and it'll be available in a Flash.

Thought Leaders

5 Reasons Why It Sucks to Be an Entrepreneur

You may make more money over your lifetime as a business owner, but at what cost?


Things Always Cost More Than You Think

No, there's no such thing as a free puppy, and that employee will cost you way more than just a salary.

Thought Leaders

Adopt This Mindset and Never Be Late Again

If you, or someone in your life, chronically shows up after the scheduled time, it's time for a change.