Gene Marks: Page 15

Entrepreneur Leadership Network® VIP
President of The Marks Group

Gene Marks is a CPA and owner of The Marks Group PC, a ten-person technology and financial consulting firm located near Philadelphia founded in 1994.

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Latest: Page 15

Resumes & Interviewing

Hiring Requires Choices and Not Every Choice Is 'Discrimination'

Even the fairest of employers knows that, for some jobs, gender, age and physical ability are valid reasons for hiring one person and not another.


You're Too Busy? No, You're Not. Here's Why.

Nobody cares how busy you are, they only care what you get done.


Why Aren't More People Responding to Your Emails?

If people don't want to read your e-prose, it's time to work harder at making it more interesting.

Business News

These Are the 8 Dumbest Research Studies of 2016

The more you study the conclusions of frivolous research, the more confidence you'll have in your gut instincts.


5 Ways You Annoy Your Employer

Your job might be on your nerves, but at least you're not paying to be there.


This Is Why Lots of Talented People Choose to Never Work for a Big Company

You could be a very comfortable cog in that very large machine. There are reasons why you went another way.