Ginni Saraswati
Entrepreneur Leadership Network® Contributor
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¿Altos niveles de rotación y una cultura tóxica? Tu estilo de liderazgo podría estar perjudicando a tu empresa
¿Eres un jefe que controla todo o un jefe que culpa a los demás? Debes abordar el problema central: la falta de confianza.
3 sencillos consejos para desaprender malos hábitos de autocuidado y dejar para siempre el agotamiento atrás
El agobio es la puerta de entrada al agotamiento, pero culturalmente, todavía lo aceptamos como la norma. Si estás cansado del ajetreo perpetuo y estás listo para tomarte en serio el autocuidado, el primer paso es deshacerte de algunos hábitos poco saludables. Aquí tienes tres consejos valiosos para desaprender lo que no te funciona y dejar de lado el agobio de una vez por todas.
3 Simple Tips to Unlearn Bad Self-Care Habits and Escape Burnout For Good
Overwhelm is the gateway to burnout, but as a culture we still accept it as the norm. If you're tired of the perpetual grind and ready to take self-care seriously, the first step is to detangle from unhealthy habits. Here are three hard-won tips to unlearn what's not working for you and kick overwhelm to the curb for good.
There's Another Tax That Will Cost You In Big Ways If You Don't Do These 3 Things
Emotional tax is the interchange of energy and value. If you're depleted, this exchange of person or project is a cost. If you're energized and have received value, the exchange is a plus or profit. Learn three practical ways to kick overwhelm and lower your emotional tax for good.
Want to Succeed? Learn to Say 'No'
As a first-year founder and entrepreneur, saying "yes" to every opportunity can hurt your chance of survival.
How to Talk to Your Boss Like a Boss (And How to Listen to Your Team)
If your workplace is one where you feel your opinion is valued, then that speaks well for your leadership team.
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