Ian Morris


Ian Morris is the co-founder and CEO of Likewise, an exciting start-up that helps users easily find the best personalized recommendations for movies, TV shows, books, podcasts and more.

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Science & Technology

What is Next for Streaming? Content Aggregators are Changing the Game

The streaming industry has shifted, and customer needs have too. Streaming services need an aggregator to provide customers with what they want.

Business News

The Streaming Conundrum – When Everyone Knows Only Part of Me, No One Serves the Real Me

The solution to scattered streaming recommendations is one aggregator that will combine user information across streaming platforms.

Science & Technology

Where Entrepreneurs Can Innovate in the Streaming Service Space

The way we watch TV has changed, and technology needs to grow with it.


Donde los empresarios pueden innovar en el espacio del servicio de transmisión

La forma en que vemos la televisión ha cambiado y la tecnología debe crecer con ella.

Employee Experience & Recruiting

We Nearly Lost Everything, but Not Our Best Employees

Prioritizing retaining your best employees is key to overcoming challenges.

Estrategias de crecimiento

Casi lo perdimos todo, pero no a nuestros mejores empleados

Dar prioridad a la retención de sus mejores empleados es clave para superar los desafíos.

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