Iman Bashir


Iman Bashir is an UX/UI designer and full-stack developer with a passion for crafting visual identities. Specializing in search-engine optimization, she found a way to do it at scale with artificial intelligence: Craftly.AI. Her interests include design, SEO, growth hacking and female empowerment.

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The 5 Personalities You Meet in a Coworking Space

The way we work post-pandemic will never be the same, so it's time to get creative! Read about the types of people you'll find at a coworking space to see if it is the right fit for you.

Thought Leaders

8 Reasons Using AI Will Improve Your Content Creation Process

Working smarter, not harder, has never been more relevant. Using artificial intelligence for your content creation will help you do just that.

Science & Technology

The Next Frontier For Healthcare: Blockchain, AR and VR

The medical industry has traditionally been slow to adopt new technologies, but blockchain, augmented reality and virtual reality technologies are changing that thought process.

Science & Technology

Grammy-Nominated DJ Steve Aoki Gives a Sneak Peak Into His Electric Corner of the Metaverse

His newest project connects his close knit community in the A0K1VERSE.


El DJ nominado al Grammy Steve Aoki ofrece un adelanto de su rincón eléctrico del metaverso

Su proyecto más reciente conecta a su comunidad unida en A0K1VERSE.

Estilo de vida

Las 5 personalidades que conoces en un espacio de trabajo compartido

La forma en que trabajamos después de una pandemia nunca será la misma, ¡así que es hora de ser creativo! Lea sobre los tipos de personas que encontrará en un espacio de trabajo compartido para ver si es el adecuado para usted.

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