Jackie Cullen
Entrepreneur Leadership Network® Contributor
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Conversaciones difíciles con clientes — todos las hemos tenido. Así es cómo manejarlas de manera más efectiva
Las conversaciones difíciles sobre el rendimiento no deberían ser la norma para ningún negocio, pero a veces son inevitables. Aquí te mostramos cómo sobrevivir a ellas con éxito.
Tough Conversations With Clients — We've All Had Them. Here's How to Handle Them More Effectively.
Difficult conversations about performance should not be the norm for any business, but sometimes they are unavoidable. Here's how to navigate them successfully.
Immediate Results Aren't Everything — Here's Why Playing the Long Game in Marketing Is Worth It
Building a solid and effective marketing strategy means thinking about the present and the future.
Why Business Owners Must Rely on Data (and Not Gut Feelings) When Making Marketing Decisions
Business owners often rely on gut feelings and opinions rather than data and metrics when it comes to marketing decisions.
Why Hustle and Work-Life Balance Are 2 Clichés I Wish Would Go Away
Take the "hustle" out of your work, and achieve true "work-life balance."
4 Key Factors to Consider When Choosing a Marketing Agency
As a business owner, you know that marketing your business is crucial for success. But with so many marketing agencies out there, it can be challenging to know which one to choose.
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