Jeff Mazur


Jeff Mazur is the executive director for LaunchCode, a nonprofit aiming to fill the gap in tech talent by matching companies with trained individuals. Mazur lives in St. Louis with his wife and twin girls.

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How to Hire a Generation Without College Degrees

More high-schoolers are planning to enter the workforce without college diplomas. Here's how you can hire them and lay a pathway for their success.


Por qué la gran renuncia acaba de dar un gran impulso a su pequeña empresa

Cuatro técnicas para atraer y reclutar creativamente a los que cambian de carrera en la actualidad

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Why the Great Resignation Just Gave Your Small Business a Big Boost

Four techniques for creatively attracting and recruiting today's career-changers


¿No puede encontrar talento tecnológico? 3 formas de obtenerlo desde dentro.

Si tiene problemas para enganchar a trabajadores talentosos de tecnología de la información, debe mirar a su alrededor: sus próximos líderes tecnológicos pueden estar escondidos en su oficina.

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If you're having trouble snagging talented information technology workers, you should look around -- your next tech leaders may be hiding in your office

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3 Strategies to Help Tech Startups Add Veterans to Their Workforces

Many veterans don't know what they're looking for in private-sector jobs, let alone long-term careers, and that's one area where startups can lend them additional support.

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