Jimmy Rohampton


Jimmy is a freelance writer, blogger, and business consultant. He helps people master blogging and online marketing at HowToCreateABlog.org. Jimmy has written for The Huffington Post, Engadget and Tech Cocktail to name a few.

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Social Media

Spurring Interest Through Engagement: Social Media And STEM

Social media is a powerful tool to improve communication between millennials and STEM professionals.

Growth Strategies

Eight Client Onboarding Practices You Should Ditch Right Now

Here is a list of eight mistakes you need to avoid as you onboard your clientele.


10 CEOs Share Their Best Tips For Effective Workplace Leadership

While certainly there are the so-called "born leaders," scientists tend to agree that leadership can be cultivated and shaped through strategic education, training, and experience.


The How-To: Using Chatbots As A Tool For Customer Service

Are chatbots the future of customer service, or are they a bad idea?


How Millennials Are Redefining Customer Service

Millennials really do not want to talk to you when they have a complaint or issue about a product or service you sold them.

Growth Strategies

6 Tips For Crafting Content That Resonates With Millennials

What do millennials think of your content?

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