Katherine Graham-Leviss


Katherine Graham-Leviss is the founder of XB Consulting, an executive coaching and business consulting firm based in Rhode Island. She is a keynote speaker and author of The Perfect Hire: A Tactical Guide to Hiring, Developing, and Retaining Top Sales Talent, published by Entrepreneur Press.

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Resumes & Interviewing

Want the Right Stuff? Start With Your Help-Wanted Ad

A top-performing team starts with writing a thorough and accurate job description. Consider these five tips.


How to Manage a Successful Sales Team

The traits that make top sales pros great also can lead to difficulties for managers. Here's how to adapt your managerial style so sales can soar.

Growing a Business

7 Steps to Coaching Your Employees to Success

Don't just rely on annual reviews. Create an ongoing communication with your employees to help them be their best.

Employee Experience & Recruiting

How to Start New Hires on the Right Track

Hiring an employee is just the first step. Create a development plan for all new hires so you can set them on the path to success in your company.

Operations & Logistics

The High Cost of Sales Team Turnover

Lost sales, time and money: High turnover in your sales department is a serious problem. Here's what to do about it.

Growing a Business

Seven Steps to Superstar Employees

Don't just rely on annual performance reviews. Create an ongoing communication with your employees to help them be their best.