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News and Trends

GoMechanic Founder Admits To Financial Reporting Errors And Will Lay Off 70 Per Cent Workforce

Prior to this GoMechanic was in discussions to raise 75-80 million USD through funding led by SoftBank. The deal however was called off due to financial reporting errors.

News and Trends

Cricket Ed Tech Platform Cricuru Launches With An Advanced AI Based Technology

Cricuru has launched with a more advanced AI integration that allows every user to learn and improve their skills and performance.


Chat With Shakespeare, Margaret Thatcher, Socrates, Kanye and More Using AI

The new site Character.AI lets users chat with authors, eminent scholars who may have contributed to their field a century ago. Users can even chat with contemporary artists and politicians.


The New Microsoft AI Tool Can Mimic Anyone's Voice

A new AI tool by Microsoft has garnered quite the attention. Vall-E's AI Text To Speech system (TTS) can take a three second recording of a person and then convert written words into a speech in that person's voice. What is the most frightful and astonishing part about the tool is its accuracy.


ChatGPT and the New Beta App ChatZero Updates

The viral AI tool ChatGPT that can mimic human responses, may soon introduce a paywall.


Twitter Redesigns their Homepage for the iOS App

The microblogging site which has been in headlines ever since Musk took over has now redesigned their homepage interface.