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News and Trends

NS Kannan Appointed As Independent Director On Wipro's Board

The Indian IT services company called Wipro has appointed financial services industry veteran NS Kannan to its Board of Directors for five years effective October 1, 2023.


WhatsApp Beta Now Has A Multi-Account Feature

The web-sms app WhatsApp may soon allow users to seamlessly switch between two accounts. This new update will end the need to set up multiple instances of the app on the user's phone.


Slack's New Polished Design Builds Focus And Productivity

Slack, the communication and collaboration platform, has announced a major design overhaul that aims to enhance organisation, focus, and overall productivity.


4 Ways To Network For Those Who Hate Networking

Business networking is the process of meeting others to exchange information, make new professional contacts and create helpful relationships. These relationships are useful when you are looking for a new job, to develop your skills or to increase your industry knowledge.


4 Simple Ways To Leverage AI Skills For Passive Income From Home

In today's day and age, technology has the potential to generate passive income through Artificial intelligence. ChatGPT has reached unprecedented heights where entrepreneurs are harnessing the capabilities of this tool to create innovative platforms that generate revenue effortlessly.

Growth Strategies

4 Lessons from Barbie's Mattel

The idea that the most popular Hollywood star is a sixty-four-year-old lady playing the role of a 19 year old girl, just proves that the world of cinema is unpredictable to say the least.