Lindsey Groepper
As president of BLASTmedia, Lindsey Groepper is responsible for new business development and helping oversee the strategic direction of the agency. The agency focuses on digital advertising, social media and public relations.
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5 Steps to Secure New Business at CES and Other Big Events
Starting early, keeping it brief and following up are effective ways to score new contacts.
The PR Secrets to a Successful Soft Launch
Whether you are an online service or a local eatery, having a soft launch is a solid strategy to put your business through a stress test.
The Secrets to Getting Journalists to Notice Your Pitch
Our PR expert, Lindsey Groepper, tells us the best way to reach out to reporters at major publications.
The 'When' and 'How' of Using PR Correctly
Publicity is a great way to market your business and build brand awareness for those with not a lot of cash on hand.
3 Questions to Ask When Deciding Between Content Marketing and Native Advertising
Companies are looking to achieve the best results while still running lean and mean, and the industry awaits to see if one strategy will deliver a knockout punch.
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