Lirone Glikman

Entrepreneur Leadership Network® Contributor
BizDev, Networking & Branding Specialist | Keynote Speaker| UN Adviser

Lirone Glikman is an international speaker on business growth, personal branding & networking, and the owner of a global boutique marketing management firm catering to cutting-edge startups, with 20 years of experience. She is also an adviser at an affiliated UN committee dedicated to the SDG goals.

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How to Network at Events Like a Pro and Watch Your Startup Soar

No one teaches us how to network for results, and that's why I took on the task over a decade ago. To help you make the most of your next meet-up or conference, here are some of my top practices.


¿Cómo pueden los líderes tecnológicos ayudar a moldear un mundo mejor? Haciendo estas 3 cosas

Los líderes tecnológicos desempeñan un papel fundamental en dar forma a la sociedad al tomar decisiones basadas en valores, como estas tres.


How Can Tech Leaders Help Shape a Better World? By Doing These 3 Things

Tech leaders play a pivotal role in shaping society by making value-driven choices — like these three.

Science & Technology

6 AI Tools to Make Building Business Relationships 10 Times Easier

While human communication remains unchanged over millennia, artificial intelligence (AI) promises newfound efficiency. Networking entails repetitive tasks like research, communication and follow-ups, which AI could revolutionize — here's how.


Los 10 mandamientos del networking que debes conocer para construir conexiones auténticas

He investigado el arte del networking durante más de diez años y estos son los diez componentes clave para fomentar relaciones genuinas con otros emprendedores.


The 10 Commandments of Networking You Must Know to Build Authentic Connections

I've researched the art of networking for more than 10 years, and these are the 10 key components of fostering genuine relationships with other entrepreneurs.

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